Ethereum Archive Node


Due to the lack of interest and my BTRFS array being crushed, the node is no longer available. Please contact me if you’re interested in this project.

Hello stranger,

I maintain an archive node for Ethereum and want to share access to it with you and anyone who is interested.

Feel free to contact me for a snapshot: ~16 TB.

The node is available by this URL:

Here is an example of an API call:

$ curl -sX POST                                                                            \
       -H "Content-Type: application/json"                                                 \
       --data '{"method": "web3_clientVersion", "params": [], "id": 1, "jsonrpc": "2.0"}'  \ | jq -CS
  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": "Geth/v1.13.2-stable-dc34fe82/Linux-amd64/go1.21.1"

The benefit of an archive node is you can receive the balance of a wallet at any block. For instance, the balance of 0x388C818CA8B9251b393131C08a736A67ccB19297 (Lido Rewards Vault) at block 18748800 was 8765235897697649868 wei:

$ cat <<EOF                                                                                   \
  | curl -sX POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data @-  \
  | jq -r .result | xargs printf 'Balance is %d wei\n'
 "id": 1,
 "jsonrpc": "2.0",
 "method": "eth_getBalance",
 "params": ["0x388C818CA8B9251b393131C08a736A67ccB19297",
            "$(printf "0x%x" 18748800)"]
Balance is 8765235897697649868 wei

You can contact me on Discord: deni64k.

If you wish to donate:

  • ADA addr1qxteqqjlhhr00xe4ghnyfuz7v0jgnnkcfdhfvgt65l8xejhagejn870vtla5906tupyzdwfj4r6eju2pv3ady8vuynfslralt3
  • ETH 0x39996591D206144fa6801CdC5FD6D94312F3D9e0

Please, don’t DoS it.